General Rules

General Rules

  1. Students shall always wear identity cards issued by the college and show them as and when demanded by the Principal, teachers and office staff/ security staff.
  2. Students must observe strict discipline in the campus; behave with dignity and courtesy to thePrincipal, faculty members, administrative staff, visitors and other students.
  3. The college has an approved pattern of uniform dress which is binding on all students. The cost of uniform materials will be collected at the time of admission. Students should keep modesty in dressing by keeping away from using indecent dresses. Also, they are not allowed to cover their faces when they are in the campus.  All students should wear their uniform dress on all days, except on Wednesdays.
  4. Use the general complaint/suggestion box for complaints, grievance and suggestions. Let the students' representative alone submit mass petitions if any, to the Principal.
  5. Government has made it clear that ragging in any form should be sternly and effectively prevented. Whenever an offence is committed in the name of ragging whether within the campus of an educational institution or in a hostel or otherwise, the Principal/Warden will report the matter forthwith to the nearest Police station and not wait until a compliant in this regard is received from the person affected. Appropriate disciplinary action will also be taken against the culprits. Government makes it clear that it will be viewed seriously for any lapse in this regard and that the responsibility of the officer in charge of the institution.
  6. Students who fail to attend internal examinations will not be permitted to attend the University examinations.
  7. Campus should remain women friendly and any report regarding the abuse of a girl, either physically or verbally, will be regarded as a severe offence.
  8. Students are not allowed to enter the Principal’s room without permission.
  9. Only two representatives of a student organization can meet the Principal at a time.
  10. Students should not remain in the classrooms during free hours as it might disturb other classes; they may go to the library or reading room.
  11. Students are prohibited from entering the campus, laboratories, office, staff room, etc. except when they are expected to be there.
  12. Students are prohibited from loitering along verandas and in vacant classrooms. Loitering and wandering inside the campus will also be strictly dealt with.
  13. Students should not throw litter in the campus or rather place them only in waste bins. This campus is each of student and he/she is bound to keep it clean.
  14. Students are prohibited from damaging furniture and other college property. Do not disfigure the walls, doors, windows, furniture etc. with graffiti, bills engravings, etc. Learning not to damage property whether public or private is one of the primary requirements for civilized behaviour.
  15. Fine will be levied from students for damaging college properties. Legal actions will also be initiated against those students.
  16. Students’ vehicles should be parked in the space provided by the college authority. College gate will be closed at 9.30 A.M. and 1.30 P.M., and will be reopened at 12.30 P.M. and 3.30 P.M. Inbetween that the vehicles can be taken out only with the permission of the Principal.
  17. Bike riding in the campus will be a punishable offence.
  18. Smoking which is injurious to health, is strictly prohibited in the college campus. No student shall use or keep alcoholic drinks or drugs. Using/ Keeping of these items will lead to immediate expulsion of the student from the college and hostels.
  19. The students are prohibited from bringing and using mobile phones inside the campus. Violation of the ban will entail the seizure of the same with fine of Rs. 500/-.
  20. Effigy burning will not allowed within the campus. Fire crackers should not be used inside the campus in any context.
  21. Cinematic dance and fashion show shall not be allowed inside the college campus.
  22. All students should leave the campus before 5.00 P.M.
  23. The practice of bringing outsiders, including media, into the campus will not be permitted.
  24. No celebrations of festivals like Onam, X’mas, New Year, Holly, Birthday, etc., are allowed withoutprior permission of the Principal.
  25. Wall posters and writings defaming the Principal, Teachers, Non- teaching staff and other students should not be seen in the campus.
  26. Students’ political activity is strictly banned in the campus. Students are forbidden to organizestrikes or to attend meetings other than the official ones.
  27. Flags, banners, posters, flag staff, decorative hangings or any such items bearing the emblem or slogan of any student organization should not be fixed within the campus.
  28. Unofficial meetings, strikes, demonstrations, agitations and fund collections are strictly prohibited.
  29. Campaigning during elections within campus will not be allowed without prior permission.
  30. Student union should not disrupt the programmes of other clubs and forums.
  31. Unit Conference of Student Organisation will not allowed in the campus.
  32. Gharavo and abusive slogans will not be allowed.
  33. Unauthorized processions or processions without prior permission of the Principal will not allowed.
  34. Any student who is persistently insubordinate, who is repeatedly or wilfully mischievous, who is guilty of fraud or malpractice in connection with examinations or who, in the opinion of the Principal, is likely to have an unwholesome influence of his fellow students, shall be removed from the rolls. The removal shall be either temporary or permanent according to the gravity of the offence.
  35. Students who are charged criminal offence or those who are under suspension will not be allowed to enter the college campus without the permission of the Principal.
  36. For acts of misbehaviour, the Principal may impose such punishments as fines, cancellation of attendance, withholding of term certificate, forfeiture of educational concession and scholarship, compulsory issue of T.C., suspension and even expulsion.
  37. Any case of criminal activity or violation of law and order will be reported to the police and they shall register case and initiate action against the offenders.
  38. The College Management and Principal shall take appropriate measures to insulate the college campus from political activism and external intervention, to safeguard the interests of students, academic community, parents and public.
  39. Once students are admitted to the college, they are bound by the code of conduct laid down by the college through the college calendar and it is necessary for the proper administration and management of the institution.
  40. In the matter of internal discipline the decision of the Principal shall be final. The college authorities reserve the rights to amend, repeal or modify any of the above rules.