
Parent Teacher Association

The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) of MES Ponnani College started functioning soon after the year of inception of the college with the objective of fostering virtuous relationship among the faculty, students and parents. It also acts as a liaising body with the management and government for the smooth functioning of the college.

The aims and objectives of the PTA are:

  • Promoting good/positive relationships between teachers, students, staff, parents/ guardians and to establish a partnership between them
  • Ensure high academic standards and enables the smooth working of the college.
  • Help the colleges to institute several scholarship schemes, medals, prizes etc. for the benefit of students.
  • Ensure good infrastructural facilities in higher learning institutes.

The PTA has a two-tier constitution (i) General Body including all faculty members and parents or guardians and (ii) an Executive Committee of elected members from the General Body. The General Body of the PTA meets annually and the Executive Committee members meet periodically to transact business.

The powers and responsibilities vested on the General Body are:

  1. Approve rules and regulations for fund collections, institution of scholarships, prizes, and awards to students etc. proposed by the Executive Committee.
  2. Approve annual report of the association
  3. Approve audited statements of accounts for the current year submitted by the Executive Committee
  4. Approve amendments of rules and regulations proposed by the Executive Committee
  5. Elect office bearers of the association for the ensuing year, in the annual meeting
  6. Approve the budget for the ensuing year proposed by the Executive Committee, in the annual meeting
  7. Put forward suggestions for the improvement of academic standards/ infrastructural facilities and to point out shortcomings, if any, in the administration of the institution / functioning of the PTA Executive etc.

The administrative power of the PTA is vested on the Executive Committee with the following constitution:

  1. The President: the Principal or faculty in-charge of Principal of the institution
  2. A Vice-President: a parent (not guardian) elected from the General Body
  3. Secretary: a permanent teacher, elected from among the approved regular teaching staff
  4. Joint Secretary: a parent (not guardian) elected from the General Body
  5. Treasurer: a permanent teacher, elected from among the approved regular teaching staff
  6. Not more than 4 parents (not guardian) in the General Body out of which at least one shall be a woman, be as elected members
  7. Not more than 4 teachers out of which at least one shall be a woman, be as elected members

Under the patronage of the PTA, a large number of developmental programmes have been taken up for the benefit of students and other stake-holders of the college. During these years, the support of PTA has been extended for curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in the form of scholarships, financial assistance for conducting induction programmes, seminars, workshops, women empowerment programmes, field trips, Arts and Sports activities and also for infrastructural development of the college.


Contact: [email protected]

PTA Activities