• Bhoomithrasena Club
  • Bicycle Club
  • Biodiversity Club
  • Debate Club
  • Election Literacy Club
  • Fine Arts Cell
  • Green Campus Clean Campus Cell
  • Health and Yoga Club
  • Media & Film Club
  • Music Club
  • Nature Club
  • Pain and Paliative Care Club
  • Parliamentary Club
  • Quiz Club
  • Red Ribbon Club
  • Tourism Club
Students Seminar Cell

Student Seminar Cell encourage and inspire students to participate and present papers at various  seminars, classroom seminars and to do student Projects. Seminars are the part of the courses not only to make them contribute in academic activities but also to build self-confidence and make them comfortable at public speaking. In this view various departments organize student seminars. Faculties are also actively encourage students to participate in state, national and international seminars and conferences

E-mail: [email protected]


