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  • Green Campus Clean Campus Cell
  • Health and Yoga Club
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  • Nature Club
  • Pain and Paliative Care Club
  • Parliamentary Club
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  • Tourism Club
Pain and Paliative Care Club

Pratheeksha Palliative Care Unit:

Palliative care is an interdisciplinary medical caregiving approach aimed at optimizing quality of life and mitigating suffering among people with serious, complex illness. Palliative care is appropriate for individuals with serious illnesses across the age spectrum and can be provided as the main goal of care or in tandem with curative treatment. It is provided by an interdisciplinary team which can include physicians, nurses, occupational and physical therapists, psychologists, social workers, chaplains, and dietitians. Palliative care can be provided in a variety of contexts including hospitals, outpatient, skilled-nursing, and home settings. Although an important part of end-of-life care, palliative care is not limited to individuals near the end of life.

Students Intiative in Palliative (SIP)


An SIP wing namely Pratheeksha Palliative Care Unit is working efficiently and effectively in the campus to provide specialized medical and nursing care for people with life-limiting illnesses.  The unit works in coalition with Shanthi Palliative Care Unit, Ponnani.  The objectives of the unit include;

  • to organize awareness campaigns to popularize palliative care among the student community
  • to carry out micro funding campaign, so as to help the needy students in the campus
  • to provide services to the patients with incurable bed-ridden diseases
  • to make students a part of Palliative  Day care and homecare visit
  • to assist in the rehabilitation of the patients.
  • to impart training to volunteers on palliative care.
  • to encourage community participation in the palliative care activities











Micro Funding Campaign


As a part of Palliative Day Campaign on January 150  Pratheeksha Palliative care unit voluteers actively involved in spreading words on importance of palliative care units in collaboration with Shanthi Palliative The students moved out in groups  and covered whole of Ponnani Constituency . Students collected 75,000 Rupees and was handed over to Shanthi Palliative Unit

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Pain and Palliative Care An Overview


Pain and Palliative Care 2017-2018


Pain and Palliative Care 2016-2017


Pain and Palliative Care 2015-2016
