Quality Initiatives

The college has a good tutorial system in place for the last few years. It acts as a basic platform for getting overall information about the students, to communicate with them in areas of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The tutorial system helpsto find the needy students in terms of financial assistance, counseling, remedial classes and any other types of support.

Once a new batch of first year students get admitted to the college, a teacher is assigned as a tutor for the batch. For BSc batches, one teacher is assigned the role whereas for Humanities subjects, it is shared among two teachers as there are around sixty students in the batch.

The first step in the tutorial process is gathering information about the students in a bio-data form. Then the tutor holds meets each of them separately in order to verify and know their ward thoroughly. This helps in building confidence in the students and they start to make a strong bonding with their tutor.

Regular tutorial hours are utilized by the tutors, preferably once in a week to meet and discuss with the students all matters related to their learning, life within and outside the campus. This interaction gives the tutor a great opportunity to know about his/her group and also the strength and weakness of the students. Based on this assessment the tutor is in a position to name the students for scholarships and other financial assistance, for sports and fine arts activities, for remedial coaching and similar programs. It also helps to find out the advanced learners as well.

The feedback collected during the tutorial from the whole college gives a picture of the student community. This data will be different from any mandatory data collected by any means. This will help in addressing the discipline issues, if any, also.