• Bhoomithrasena Club
  • Bicycle Club
  • Biodiversity Club
  • Debate Club
  • Election Literacy Club
  • Fine Arts Cell
  • Green Campus Clean Campus Cell
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  • Media & Film Club
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  • Nature Club
  • Pain and Paliative Care Club
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  • Tourism Club
Election Literacy Club

Election Literacy Clubs are being set up in the country to promote electoral literacy in all age groups of the Indian citizens through engaging and interesting activities and hands-on experience but in an apolitical, neutral and non-partisan manner.

Electoral Literacy Clubs are especially being set up in colleges all across India targeting the new voters, pursuing their graduation. The club will have all of the students from all semesters as its members. The following sections will talk in detail on how the ELC will be set up, who will be its participants, convener, where and how it will be conducted and what activities it will include.

  1. To educate the targeted populations about voter registration, electoral process and related matters through hands on experience

  2. To facilitate EVM and VVPAT familiarization and education about the robustness of EVM as well as the integrity of the electoral process using EVMs

  3. To help the target audience understand the value of their vote and exercise their suffrage right in a confident, comfortable and ethical manner

  4. To harness the potential of ELC members for carrying the electoral literacy in communities

  5. To facilitate voter registration for its eligible members who are not yet register





Election Literacy Club 2015-16 to 2020-21
