• Bhoomithrasena Club
  • Bicycle Club
  • Biodiversity Club
  • Debate Club
  • Election Literacy Club
  • Fine Arts Cell
  • Green Campus Clean Campus Cell
  • Health and Yoga Club
  • Media & Film Club
  • Music Club
  • Nature Club
  • Pain and Paliative Care Club
  • Parliamentary Club
  • Quiz Club
  • Red Ribbon Club
  • Tourism Club
Parliamentary Club

Parliamentary Club is an initiative taken to create awareness among the youth on the functions and procedures of parliament. It’s aim of strengthening the roots of democracy, inculcating healthy habits of discipline and tolerance towards the views of others and to enable the student community to understand the proper working of parliament. It envisages the creation of a responsible citizen by advocating democratic values and adult franchise. The club has an objective of rendering the students with a deep commitment to the concept and practice of Parliamentary Democracy.





Parliamentary Club Report 2015-20
